Gift & Inheritance Tax

Gift & Inheritance Tax Planning

Capital Acquisition Tax (‘CAT’) is the official name for Gift or Inheritance Tax.

We advise on all aspects of gifts and inheritances tax. We can assist in preparing returns and planning the transfer of wealth to the next generation.

We work with our clients to devise a strategy whereby assets can be passed to successors in a tax-efficient manner without impacting the objectives of the client.

We have considerable experience in relation to appropriate reliefs such as business and agricultural reliefs. Our strategy takes into account potential charges under other tax heads (e.g. capital gains tax and stamp duty) and preparing and submitting tax returns.

No Refund, No Fee - Straightforward as that!

PAYE individuals in receipt of PAYE income only, can avail of our ‘No Refund -No Fee’ policy. If you are due a tax refund our fee will be 10% plus VAT of any tax refund due to you and remember, there is no upfront payment or minimum charges – our fee is only due when you receive your tax refund.